An Update

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I signed up to run a 5k.  The next week, I got the flu--the nasty kind.  My whole body was tight from the puking, even a rib out of place.  Yuck.  I began to get a little nervous about this 5k and my training since I was sidelined for a week.  As you know by now, I've been recovering from ITBS and running again, so far, without pain.  My PT has had me on a limited training schedule where I could only run every 2-3 days so as to not irritate my knee.  Also, I could only run 2 minutes on, 1 minute off.  I bet you are wondering how I was going to run a 5k!  Well, so far I've been doing fine, until this flu hit.  I ran yesterday after a week off, and I decided that if I was going to run this 5k, then I needed to run at least 6 minutes on.  After completing my 5k circuit, my knee was inflamed and irritated.  I even stretched well before I ran, but when stretched I could feel tight hips and some tightness around my knee.  Oh well, I thought, it will loosen up.

I took some anti-inflamatories and I can walk up and down stairs without any issue.  I am convinced that the tightness in my whole body, and especially in my hips from sitting a lot while I was sick, contributed to my latest relapse.  Also, I was reading on a site about ITBS and how when runners suddenly increase their milage that ITBS can surface.  I didn't increase my milage, but I did increase how long I was running.  Anyway, that's where I'm at today.  Hopefully the ITBS will go away with the right hip and knee stretches so I can run this crazy 5k!


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About Me

In addition to running and almost all things outdoors--snow ski, water ski, wakeboard--I love to cook (check out my other blog at, love to read, and especially love hanging out with my awesome husband and two little boys.


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