Returning to running after Injury = Different Injuries?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Today I came across a site titled Thoughts of an Experienced Physical Therapist.  He said that the purpose of his blog was to share his thoughts about issues and injuries that athletes and others encounter in their return to sports after injury.  I thought, this is me!

I have been running for about a month an a half after not running at all for 13 years because of injury.  Just when you think you are free of injury, here comes more, should I say especially with runners?  I posted the links to his old blog and new blog (the old one has great stuff) because I intend to check into it to hopefully avoid more injuries.

When I started running again after finally getting rid of the ITBS, I started to have pain on the inner part of both of my knees.  My PT said this was tendonitis, and usually goes away with hip exercises.  I have been using the green theraband he gave me to do simple 4-point resistance exercises.  My tendonitius stays away when I do them, but wants to come back when I get lazy.  I only spend part of my day sitting, but that seems enough to want to weaken my hips.  I can't find a picture to post of the 4-point exercises, but essentially you make a loop in the band, put it around your ankle (wear a sock so it doesn't rubber burn your skin) and 1. face away from the band and kick forward slowly 2. face toward the band and kick your leg back 3. stand sideways to the band and pull your leg away from the band 4.  stand sideways to the band but pull the band across your other foot as you lift your leg out to the side.  I will keep looking for some images to clarify that. 


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About Me

In addition to running and almost all things outdoors--snow ski, water ski, wakeboard--I love to cook (check out my other blog at, love to read, and especially love hanging out with my awesome husband and two little boys.


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